вторник, 17 апреля 2012 г.


hobby is a leisure activity that people do for fun or recreation. People do it because they like it.

Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts is a term which  means making things with one's own hands. Both children and adults enjoy arts and crafts. Children in schools may learn skills such as woodwork, sewing, or embroidery.

Some other arts include movie-making, photography, and musical hobbies such as singing, playing musical instruments, and writing songs.

Games and Puzzles

Games include board games such as chesscard games, and newer games such as wargaming and role-play games. Popular puzzles include jigsaw puzzles and crossword puzzles.
Jigsaw puzzle

Crossword puzzle

Reading and Learning

Some people enjoy spending their time reading books, magazines, and newspapers, or writing stories or in a diary. Other people enjoy learning foreign languages by taking classes, or doing research, such as genealogy (learning about your family history).
In the 2000s, many people have Internet-based hobbies, such as editing Wikipedia, writing their own blogs, or having online discussions in Newsgroups or online forums. Some people enjoy computer activities, such as computer programming, learning about software, or playing computer games. Some people enjoy learning about electronics or building robots.

Playing computer games

Building robots
Lego is a very popular hobby among kids and teenagers nowadays.
Angry Birds

Star Wars


Collecting is a popular hobby in North America and in Europe. People enjoy finding interesting examples of different items and learning about them. 
Some of the well-known types of collecting include: 
coin collecting                                                                                      stamp collecting

                                                  collecting of badges or stickers

Some people collect autographs of celebrities (famous people). 
People also collect toys, books, comic books,matchboxes, watches,pencils, postcards and old records( пластинки). 
Some people collect antiques and artwork, but these hobbies are more rare, because antiques and artwork are usually expensive.

A type of hobby that is related to collecting is model-building. People who do model-building as a hobby collect small models which they build, paint, and then display. Some common types of model-building hobbies include model airplanes, model rockets, model ships and model railways.

Doing things

The most popular hobby group is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from travelling to gardening and from fishing to cooking.
Gardening is one of the oldest man's hobbies.It is well-known fact that English are very fond of gargening and growing flowers, especially roses.

A lot of children and adults go in for sport and sport is their hobby.

Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste - you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.

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