четверг, 29 марта 2012 г.

British Bulldog

15 декабря 2011 года состоялся пятый конкурс  "British Bulldog" в России. Идея возникновения конкурса «Британский Бульдог» («British Bulldog») принадлежит английской организации British Institutes. Впервые он проводился в Италии, где сразу же приобрел огромную популярность. В России проведение игры осуществляется Институтом продуктивного обучения РАО (ИПО).

 Конкурсные задания были подготовлены для 4-х возрастных групп: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 и 9-11 классы (участие 2-х классов допускалось по желанию). Участникам было предложено ответить на 60 вопросов (50 вопросов для 3-4 классов) различной степени сложности за 75 минут. Задания разделены на блоки (по 10 вопросов в каждом), направленные на различные виды языковой деятельности (знание грамматики, лексики, понимание связного текста, понимание речи). Первые 10 вопросов – аудирование.
После подведения итогов каждый участник получает сертификат с указанием его места в школе, в регионе.

Ребята, сертификаты участников вы получите на первом уроке IV четверти.Не огорчайтесь, если вы не заняли призовое место. Все вы являетесь участниками международного конкурса по английскому языку.
В этом учебном году в конкурсе приняли участие 47 моих учеников ( ученики 5, 6 и 9 классов).

 Поздравляем победителей! 
5-е классы
 1 место  Толмачева Анна
 2 место  Калиничев Максим
 3 место  Калинина Лиза
6-е классы
 1 место  Прошян Гарри
 2 место  Ильич Максим
 3 место  Белышев Богдан
                Миронюк Ольга
                Сурков Павел

суббота, 24 марта 2012 г.

Transport & Travelling

Learn & Remember the prepositions:
to stay for (a week, 2 hours, 10 minutes ...)
to stay at ( a hotel)
to stay with (friends, parents)
to go by (car,train, ship ...)
to get to some place by (car, plane ...)
to go on foot
to get into a car / a taxi
to get out of a car / a taxi
to get on ( a bus, a plane, a horse, a bike ...)
to get off ( a bus, a plane, a horse, a bike, ...)
to arrive in (a country / a city)
to arrive at (a town / some place)
a ticket to Moscow
a ticket for a Moscow train
at the bus stop
at the seaside
to speak in a sad (loud,quiet ...) voice
ta shake hands with somebody
to cry for help
to be tired of
 to go on a voyage
on board the ship

Вы можете проверить свои знания выполнив тест.

вторник, 13 марта 2012 г.

St.Patrick's Day

Everyone is Irish on St.Patrick's Day.

Saint Patrick's Day is the feast day of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland and a day of celebration for Irish people and all things that are Irish. It is celebrated on March 17 all over Ireland and everywhere in the world where Irish people live.  
Saint Patrick's Day was made an official feast day in the early seventeenth century.Saint Patrick's Day is a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland and Nothern Ireland.
Today, St. Patrick's Day is probably the most widely celebrated saint's day in the world. According to legend, Saint Patrick used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pre-Christian Irish people.

  This Irish festival involves a lot of feasting and celebrations, which includes traditional Irish music, drinking Guinness and eating bacon and cabbage. Another tradition is one has to wear green clothing or they will be pinched.   Green is the colour for Saint Patrick's day as it is the national colour of Ireland and people will wear green on that day or have some type of shamrock on their clothing. 

The Chicago River on St.Patrick's Day
St.Patrick's Day is also widely celebrated by the Irish diaspora, especially in places such as Great Britain, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand, among others. 
As part of a more than forty year old Chicago tradition, the Chicago River is dyed green in observance of St.Patrick's Day. The actual event does not necessarily occur on St. Patrick's Day and is scheduled for the Saturday of the closest weekend. The dye takes days to dissipate. 

Children usually prepare for the holiday. Be sure to check out  fun craftsgameshistory, and clip art for some of the fun ways your family can honor this festive holiday. Also celebrate with some traditional Irish recipes for a true St. Patrick's Day feast.
leprechaun is a type of fairy in Irish folklore, usually taking the form of an old man, clad in a red or green coat. The leprechauns spend all their time busily making shoes, and store away all their coins in a hidden pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If ever captured by a human, the leprechaun has the magical power to grant three wishes in exchange for their release. Popular depiction shows the leprechaun as being no taller than a small child, with a beard and hat. 

воскресенье, 11 марта 2012 г.

Animals in Danger (essays)

Прочитайте и оцените творческие работы моих шестиклассников на тему: "Animals in Danger". Форму работы( плакат, сообщение или презентация) ребята выбирали сами.
Плакат Валентина Меньшова, 6а

вторник, 6 марта 2012 г.

пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Past Simple-fairy tale

Предлагаю вашему  вниманию продолжение сказки о временах английского глагола, напечатанную в журнале English (eng.1september, №3, 2012)

четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

International Women's Day

International Women's Day (IWD), originally called International Working Women's Day, is celebrated on March 8 every year. In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements.
Started as a Socialist political event, the holiday blended in the culture of many counties, primarily Eastern Europe, Russia, and former Soviet bloc. 
In many regions, the day lost its political flavour, and became simply an occasion for men to express their love for women in a way somewhat similar to a mixture of Mother's Day and St. Valentine's Day.
In the 1920-s International Women's Day was established in the Soviet Union, but it was a working day until 1965. Nowadays it is a day for men and boys to present their mothers, wives, girlfriends and colleagues with flowers and small gifts.
In the West International Women's Day was first observed as a popular event after 1977 when the United Nations General Assembly invited member states to proclaim March 8 as the UN Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.

The mimosa is the symbol of the celebrations of Women's Day in Italy and Russia.

Resources: http//www.wikipedia.org; English, 1September, №3 2012